Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Trip To The ER

Ok, so with 4 days to go before the big event I've been training for since February, some jackass at the indoor soccer arena decides he's going to show how macho he is by taking me out Monday night.  I went up for a header, and all of a sudden I get hit in the air with so much force that it completely knocks my legs out from under me, so I ended up landing right on my upper back and subsequently, my head bounced off the turf, which is basically cement with a layer of carpet.  I pretty much rolled around on the ground for a couple of minutes, trying to catch my breath as the wind was also knocked out of me.  As I headed toward the bench, I had a few choice words for the guy (sorry everyone for the language), and took a seat.  I had really considered going after him and breaking his nose.  After a few minutes on the bench, I decided I'd better head to the ER.  I was afraid I had a broken back.

As I got to the ER, things seemed to have gotten worse.  I couldn't breathe at all, and I couldn't move my upper body.  Luckily I have a great brother, as Tony came out to meet me there for support.  The nurse finally gave me a shot of morphine along with an anti-nausea shot (unfortunately in the butt), and things got slightly better as I was able to relax a little.  They wheeled me in my bed for x-rays, only to retake them because their machine was messed up.  After they wheeled me back to my room and the doc finally came in saying I had a broken rib.  I wasn't sure I believed him, because I wasn't tender on any particular side, just mostly in the center between my shoulder blades.  Tony had to take me home, as I was all drugged up, and they sent me with some good drugs and a prescription, but the best news that night was when my friends Neil and Kami stopped by as I was leaving saying we had won the game, Neil had scored 11 goals, and the winning goal was on the idiot who took me out.  They had switched him in goal to "preserve the win".  Ha ha.  I call that "karma part 1".

The next day, the radiologist took a look at the x-ray, and confirmed NO broken rib.  I guess I have a really bad contusion to my back, and I now have less than 2 days before the race, and sitting upright, lying flat, and breathing still pretty difficult to tolerate.  I can't really back out at this point, and may end up walking my legs of the race.  I hope I heal miraculously between now and then so I can at least run at a slower pace.  All I know is I will be drugging up!  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Brie Wheelwright said...

Good luck! And sorry about your injury. What a jerk! Back pain and rib pain is the worst. I remember the last soccer game I played was with a broken rib and a messed up back that about killed me. Let me know if you need anything!